
Assuming you have npm installed:

npm install quaint -g

This will install a quaint command globally. It will be your main tool unless you want to use the API directly or write your own plugins.

Compiling a document

First, let's see if everything works! Write this in a file called test.q:

= Test

_This is a

* T
* E
* S
* T
To compile the file into test.html:
quaint test.q
To print the result on standard out:
quaint -s test.q
By default the @minimal template is used, which inserts doctype, html/head/body tags and so on. You can use the @none template if you don't want any of that:
quaint -s test.q -t @none

If you want to see all the available flags: quaint -h

Creating a configuration file


with no arguments in a new directory to enter interactive setup. The command will create a configuration file called quaint.json (just go with the defaults if you're not sure what to do). The command will create the following file hierarchy:

  quaint.json     Configuration file
  templates/      Template directory
    default.q     Default template
  content/        Content directory
    assets/       Put your static assets here (images etc.)
    index.q       Index page
    script.js     A global script (you don't have to use it)
    style.css     A global stylesheet (you don't have to use it)
  output/         This is where the output will go

You will be asked if you want to install plugins. You can choose from this list. At any time you can add/configure plugins with the following command:

quaint --setup plugin-name

After this step, running quaint again with no arguments will launch compilation for all .q files in content/ and (optionally) will watch for changes and serve the contents.


Templates are an important part of quaint. They are very simple and let you avoid repeating yourself.

Let's make a simple boilerplate template with the doctype, <html> tag and whatnot. This is equivalent to the default @minimal template:


doctype :: html
html %
  head %
    title %
      meta::title !! Untitled
    meta %
      http-equiv = Content-type
      content = text/html
      charset = UTF-8
  body %

Notice the line that reads {body}: this is the place in the template where the contents of our post will be inserted.

Put boilerplate.q in the root directory or in the templates/ directory, depending on your configuration or lack thereof.

Now you can write the post:


template :: boilerplate

meta ::
  title = New post!

Hello! This is a new post!

And run:

quaint post.q

Alternatively the -t flag can be used to force a template:

quaint post.q -t tpl.q      # Will use tpl.q instead of boilerplate.q

It is possible for a template to have a template (using the same template :: xyz syntax that we saw). Just make sure not to create cycles or self-referential templates, quaint won't like that at all.

Advanced features

Data injection

Let's create two files:


The individual is named {name} {surname}.
They are {gender} and were born on {birthdate}.


  "name": "Alice",
  "surname": "Lovelace",
  "gender": "female",
  "birthdate": "1960/06/21"

Once these are defined, try:

quaint post.q -s -d data.json

The data will be filled in as you would expect. Moreover, you can override parts of the data directly on the command line. For instance, if you want Alice's surname to be Pottergeist instead, you can do this:

quaint post.q -d data.json -d surname:Pottergeist

Or this:

quaint post.q -d data.json -d '{"surname": "Pottergeist"}'

If you use the quaint-javascript plugin, all of the JSON contents become top-level variables. This means that you could, for instance, calculate Alice's age from her birthdate as an expression inside curly braces.

See also the data macro, which lets you load data inside quaint markup.


You can access this help with quaint -h:

Usage: quaint <file ...> [options]

  -c, --config          Path to a configuration file with option values (must be
                        JSON)                           [default: "quaint.json"]
  -d, --data            JSON string or file(s) defining field:value pairs to be
                        made available inside markup (as {field}):
                        * key:value
                        * {"key": value, ...}
                        * filename.json
                        * prefix::filename.json
  -e, --eval            Quaint string to parse directly
  --format              Format (default: html)                 [default: "html"]
  -h, --help            Show help                                      [boolean]
  -o, --output          Directory to save the output into
  -p, --plugin          Plugin(s) to import:
                        * Quaint file (injected at the beginning)
                        * Path to JavaScript file
                        * Local npm module
                        * Global npm module
  -r, --resources       Directory where to put the resources (default: resources
  --serve               Start server on specified port, in output directory
  -s, --stdout          Print to standard out         [boolean] [default: false]
  -t, --template        Template directory, or name of the default template to
  --template-directory  Template directory
  -v, --verbose         Print information about the operations performed
  --setup               Set up and configure a plugin.          [default: false]
  -f, --from            Content root. Except for the output and template paths,
                        all paths are relative to this directory.
  -w, --watch           Watch for changes to rebuild